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Need to know






North Shore Shark Adventures is the original shark tour company  in Hawaii. They’ve been around since 2001. You’ll hop into a boat and head 3 miles out into the ocean to a metal cage that’s mostly submerged in water. Hop in with your snorkel gear and watch Galapagos and Sandbar sharks (and possibly a Tiger Shark or Hammerhead) swarm around.


You may even spot dolphins, Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles, or Humpback Whales (Nov - May) on your way to and from the dive cage.



Covid Specific


  • They’re operating at 50% capacity to allow social distancing.

  • Hotel pick-up is currently unavailable.

  • You can read their full Health and Safety measures.

  • They prefer you bring your own snorkel gear. If you don’t have one, they’ll provide one, but they’d prefer you bring your own if you can.

  • They’ll take your temperature before you get on the boat. Anyone over 100.4 or with Covid symptoms will be asked to reschedule. 

  • The cage can easily accommodate 8 people, but with current social distancing, about 5 will go in each group.  If you have booked with a larger group (who are in your “safe” bubble) speak to the captain about all going in at the same time.

  • You’ll be required to wear face coverings when you’re not in the cage.

  • They sanitize all high touch areas like railings, seats etc. before and after each tour. All of our underwater masks will soak in a bleach sanitizing solution for at least 20 minutes in between uses.

  • We will provide hand sanitizing stations throughout the vessel and at the check in kiosk.




Book your tour




Hale’iwa Boat Harbor

66-105 Haleiwa Rd

Haleiwa, HI 96712



Contact Info




Online contact form






  • Adults (ages 13+): $120

  • Child (ages 3-12): $60

  • Adult boat rider (no dive): $70

  • Child boat rider (no dive): $45

  • Infant Boat Riders (age 2 and under, no dive): FREE  



Time Estimate

Around 2 hours





  • Matsumoto Shave Ice — 11 min walk (or 3 min drive)


  • Kono’s Northore - Haleiwa — 4 min walk


  • Farm to Barn Cafe & Juicery — 4 min drive



  • Paalaa Kai Bakery — 6 min drive


  • Waimea Valley — 11 min drive



  • Ehukai Pillbox Hike — 16 min drive


Hop in a cage surrounded by sharks. Water visibility is so good that you might even see them swim up from the deep.

Shark Cage Dive


People diving underwater in a cage with a shark swimming outside

Good to know






  • Snorkel gear. They’d prefer you bring your own, but if you can’t, they’ll have some available for you to borrow. [FYI: New underwater masks tend to fog easily. They recommend scrubbing the inside glass and silicone surfaces with toothpaste a couple of times before your tour.] No fins needed.


  • GoPro or underwater camera if you have one. â€‹



  • Shark sightings 100% guaranteed.


  • Free Parking: Check in at the Shark Shack and they’ll direct you to the parking. 

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  • There are no bathrooms aboard the boat, so make sure you go ahead of time. 


  • If you take the first trip of the day in the morning, the ocean is calmest. 


  • If you tend to get sea sick or nauseous, be sure to grab some motion sickness medication before your tour. They won’t have any on the boat. You may also want to eat at least an hour before the tour takes off. 


  • If you’re bringing your own snorkel gear, you should know that new underwater masks tend to fog up easily. To remedy they recommend scrubbing the inside glass and silicone surfaces with toothpaste a couple times before your tour. 


  • On the boat ride to and from the dive cages, you may also see dolphins, Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles, and Humpback Whales (Nov - May).


  • Discounts available for Military and Kama`aina (residents).



  • The sharks you’re likely to see on this tour are the Galapagos and Sandbar sharks. Occasionally you’ll see a Tiger or Hammerhead Shark.


  • The sharks you’ll see range from 5 to 15 feet long.


  • They start off with a safety briefing and a brief history of the shark tours. 


  • It’s ok if you can’t swim. The cage includes handle-bars within the cage for you to hold on to. 


  • Tours operate rain or shine. 


  • The cages can hold up to 8 people comfortably. 


  • No chumming is necessary. The sharks are attracted to the sound of their motors which they think is a crabbing vessel or potential food source.


  • The water visibility is so good (often 150 feet or more) that you can actually see the sharks come up from the deep.

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  • Ages 13 and older can dive with the sharks. 


  • Ages 3-13 can ride along in the boat for $45. No diving for them. 


  • Infants (2 and under) can ride along on the boat for free, but you still need to make a reservation. [FYI: Infants are not allowed on tours after 9am.]



  • In Hawaiian legend, each island has its own shark god. Oahu’s is Kamohoali'i, a ferocious man who could morph between “shark” and “man” at his will. He is the top shark god. He lived in an underwater cave off of Pearl Harbor. He’s the elder brother of the fire goddess Pele.


  • The ancient Hawaiians hunted sharks for many reasons. They ate their meat, used their teeth for weaponry, and made drums out of their skin. They were highly revered by the Hawaiians and many families inherited the shark as their 'Aumakua (Family God, Guardian Spirit, Protector). And to honor their familial protector, Heiau, or shrines, were built on land in honor of their 'Aumakua.


  • North Shore Shark Adventures has been featured on the BBC Outdoors in England, ESPN Outdoors, Canadian Wildlife Television, Wheel of Fortune, The Travel Channel, MTV, the Playboy Channel and many more. 


  • Owner Joe Pavsek has surfed and dove in the Haleiwa area for over 30 years. He’s had a diving boat in Haleiwa Harbor since 1975. He has worked on aircraft salvage recovery in Hawaiian waters. North Shore Shark Adventures was developed by Joe at the suggestion of his friends. In his other life, Joe is a private investigator and artist. His works are on display at galleries in Honolulu and Tahoe.


  • North Shore Shark Adventures is the original Hawaiian shark tour company. They’ve been around since 2001. 

Last Updated 5 / 4 / 21​

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